GJW Direct Blog

How to Store Your Dinghy All Year Round

Written by GJW Direct | 22-Jun-2018 12:37:30

An inevitable part of owning a dinghy is figuring out where to store it when you’re not traversing the high seas. You’ll want to keep it safe and secure, but you’ll also need to take into account the weather conditions, budget and convenience.


Here are our expert tips on how to store your dinghy throughout the year.


If you’re travelling with your dinghy on a larger vessel...

Keep your dinghy lashed on deck in an inverted position. This is secure and reduces the risk of damage during transit. If your vessel is large enough to feature a dedicated dinghy deck, you can store it upright and cover with a canvas. You can keep any gear you need in it for an easy launch. You’ll just need to make sure you have the correct hardware in place, like a cradle secured to the deck.


If you’re travelling with your dinghy on a smaller vessel...

You can still sail with your dinghy even if you don’t have room to store it on-board your other vessel. Towing your dinghy astern can be done, although it requires strict attention from the skipper and suitable hardware, including a chafe-protected, bridled towing haser. If you have a very light dinghy, you may want to add weight to avoid yawing or capsizing.


When not in use...

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to store your dinghy during the spring and summer seasons is on a trailer, kept on your driveway or in a garage. It’s ideal for spontaneous trips and regular use in warm weather, as you can then take it out whenever you want. Make sure the sails are completely dry before putting them away for storage.




Keep it on a trailer...

You’re unlikely to use your dinghy much during the colder seasons, so bear this in mind when choosing where to store it. Again, keeping it on a trailer is probably your cheapest option, but it’s only viable if you have enough room on your drive to keep it there indefinitely. You’ll also need to consider the weather and if a cover would provide enough protection from snow or ice.


Use a rack storage facility...

Ideal for small dinghy boats, a rack storage facility is convenient without being too costly, but you potentially will have to budget more for having it there over winter. With multiple rack cradles within a covered shed, they offer a high level of security and peace-of-mind. If you want to use your boat, all you need to do is call ahead and they will safely retrieve your boat with a forklift.


Choose a marina...

Often the most common choice, a marina provides optimum convenience but at a price. For a dinghy, it’s questionable whether the cost justifies the usage, as it is usually such a small vessel. Rates can vary massively between areas, so do some homework and check different locations for the cheapest option that works for you.

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