The Ultimate Guide to Electric Foiling Boards (eFoils)

Recent years have seen a rise in the trend of electric foiling boards (sometimes better known as eFoils). Companies such as Lift Foils have spent over 10 years engineering the perfect electric surfboard which has a silent motor and can reach up to 25 miles per hour.

Never heard of an eFoil before or are you wondering whether purchasing an electric surfboard is worth it? Discover everything you need to know about this new sporting craze.

What is an eFoil?

An eFoil is a surfboard that is powered by an electric motor above a hydrofoil wing. It has a rechargeable battery and is controlled by a wireless remote.

It is the latest development in watersport products and is an alternative to a regular surfboard which requires surfers to wait for optimal weather conditions.

How much does an eFoil cost?

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The cost of an electric foiling board will ultimately depend upon where you live in the world and what manufacturer you choose, however, the average price for an eFoil tends to range between £4,000 - £12,000.

It’s important to shop around various brands before making a decision on which eFoil best suits your needs. Efoiling is becoming increasingly popular and many areas around the world are already offering eFoil rentals so you can try before you buy.

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Does an eFoil require maintenance?

All boating equipment requires some kind of maintenance, however, an electric foiling board has been specially designed to resist water ingress and corrosion. After a day out on the water, manufacturers still recommend you wash your board with clean water and to dry it off before storing away. 

That way any trace of sea water will be gone and no water will build up in crevices, ensuring any mildew growth is prevented.

The most important thing to do is regularly inspect your eFoil for wear and tear marks or to check for any damage that’s occurred if you fall off your surfboard.

The future of water sports

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Whilst all watersports have some level of danger, learning to ride an eFoil will likely result in many failed attempts, however, falling off one means the motor will switch off when the remote trigger is released or if the controller touches the water.

Choosing an electric surfboard is an environmentally-friendly water sporting option that is completely emission-free. It allows surfers to get out on the water regardless of weather conditions so you never have to miss out on your favourite sport. The surfboard's electric motor can propel you forward up to speeds of 20-28 miles per hour.

Many worldwide tourist destinations have begun to embrace the eFoil trend, with many places already offering eFoil rentals for you to experience this new sport before you decide to purchase one of your own.

Let’s see them in action…

Has this spiked your interest in an electric surfboard? You can now see one in action with Lift Foils' recent documentary below.


Are you looking for insurance cover for your electric surfboard? Here at GJW Direct, our small craft policies now include cover for eFoils. Discover the range of benefits we provide and you can even get a quote with us now in a matter of minutes…

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