What are the Rules and Regulations for Owning a Jet Ski?

There’s nothing quite like having the freedom of becoming a new jet ski owner but before you go out riding the waves, you must become familiar with all of the rules and regulations for jet skis.

We have highlighted the most important rules and regulations for jet skiing in the UK, but don’t forget different countries have different rules and regulations, therefore you should research them before you head out overseas.


Speed limits vary depending on the local area, so if you’re planning on heading out somewhere that you aren’t as familiar with, it’s best you research the local speed limit first. Failure to comply with the speed limit may result in you receiving a fine or even cause an accident.

Right of way

It’s important to know where you (on a jet ski) stand against commercial boats and vessels and it’s actually them who have right of way. When you approach one of these, be sure to stay to the right until they have passed. If approaching another jet ski or small boat, the craft on the right-hand side has right of way.

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Safety Equipment

Having the correct safety equipment is essential when out on your jet ski, these include a approved buoyancy aid, means of communication like a mobile phone in a waterproof bag or a VHF radio, a safety lanyard, fire extinguisher, signalling device and registration information. We hope you never have to use them but it’s always better to be safe than sorry!


It goes without saying to look after the surrounding areas, whether that be the cleanliness of the water, protecting surrounding wildlife or noise complaints. Avoid spilling any fuel or oil into the water and don’t jet ski around areas that are close to any wildlife. To avoid noise pollution only drive at a high speed when you’re away from the shoreline.


If you wish to dock your jet ski in a marina, you should check their rules since many require boat insurance. There are plenty of boat insurers available, such as GJW Direct who offer fully comprehensive cover, third party liability, cover for accompanied drivers 14+ etc.


Keep up to date with your boating paperwork with MyBoat, an online portal powered by GJW Direct, which will give you an insight into all things boating!

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