A Day in the Life of Your Speedboat...

Over the last year, it’s likely that your speedboat hasn’t had as much action as it usually would, with the government’s request for people to stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic. But as the warmer months inch closer and COVID restrictions are lifted, we can look forward to a day out on the water.

But what does a day in the life of your speedboat look like?

Well, first things first, where is your speedboat going? Whether you’re going to your favourite spot or wanting to explore somewhere new, you need to decide where you’ll be spending the day. Want some help? Check out our location guide.

Prepping for the day ahead


Now the destination is set, it’s time to prepare for the day ahead. It’s really important you check the weather forecast to ensure you are fully equipped. If conditions are set to be pretty rough, question whether it’s definitely safe to head out. If heading out alone, ensure you’ve told someone where you’re planning your trip as an extra safety precaution. Planning for a full day of fun requires equipment, as well as the all-important safety equipment, you’ll also want to stock up on beverages to keep you fuelled up, sporting equipment for fishing, diving, inflatable toys or a change of clothing and towels. Whatever your chosen activities are, start with a list and make sure you’re organised. Make sure you’ve got everything you need with our list of accessory must-haves.

For those thrill-seekers looking for a more active day out, we’ve highlighted 5 watersports you must try on your speedboat.

Next, transportation

Once all prepped and ready, you’ll want to safely and securely transport your boat to the water. Our top tip for this is make sure you choose the right trailer and read up on how to attach your trailer to your vehicle, our blog goes into more detail here

Get exclusive discounts on trailers, accessories, magazine subscriptions and more when you sign up to MyBoat, the easy-to-use, FREE digital organiser for your boat. Want to know more? Read our blog.

Safety first!

Now you’ve arrived at your destination, you must follow the correct safety precautions. If you’ve prepped correctly, you’ll have informed someone of your whereabouts, checked the weather forecast and have your safety equipment at the ready. So pop on your lifejacket, set sail and seas the day!

It’s worth noting if you haven’t yet got boat insurance, it’s a-boat time you do. Check out the 6 most common boat insurance claims and how to avoid them.

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Returning home

After your action packed / or relaxing day (however you’ve chosen to spend your time out on the water) - it’s time to clean. Yes, one of the jobs you’d probably rather not have to do but is equally worth it to avoid salt water damage. Our advice is to rinse off the exterior to stop any corrosion that could prevent you from having future adventures.


At the end of your day, ensure your boat is stored away and protected from bad weather conditions. Exposure to sun, airborne debris, rain and wind can again cause damage to your speedboat, invest in a good boat cover to avoid this. When storing for winter or a longer period of time, check out our blog.

Ready to test your boating knowledge? Take our quiz and let us know how you do!

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