Avoiding a Collision

Avoiding a Collision

May 5, 2023
Avoiding a Collision As the world’s most popular adult and youth racing sailboat, an ILCA start line...

Topics Dinghy

10 Top Tips to Protect your Dinghy in the Boat Park this Winter.

10 Top Tips to Protect your Dinghy in the Boat Park this Winter.

May 5, 2023
If you’re resting your boat up for the winter, it’s easy to pack it away as you always do and forget...

Topics Dinghy

Dinghy Racing Tactics: Sam Whaley and Jack Graham-Troll Case Study

Dinghy Racing Tactics: Sam Whaley and Jack Graham-Troll Case Study

Dec 1, 2022
Who are Sam and Jack? Sam and Jack are both avid dinghy sailors, their love for the sport sparking f...

Topics Dinghy

Dinghy Insurance: Key Features

Dinghy Insurance: Key Features

Dec 1, 2022
There is nothing like spending time on your boat in the great outdoors, the sense of freedom it give...

Topics Dinghy

dinghy sails

How to care for your dinghy sails

Dec 1, 2022
When it comes to your dinghy, the sails are the driving force, so ensuring they are in the best cond...

Topics Dinghy

Dinghy Racing Tips: 4 Ways to Increase Upwind Speed

Dinghy racing tips: 4 ways to increase upwind speed

Dec 1, 2022
Dinghy racing is a competitive sport in which sailors share the passion of being out on the water an...

Topics Dinghy

Do you Know the Correct Dinghy Racing Rules?

Do you Know the Correct Dinghy Racing Rules?

Dec 1, 2022
Whether you're a professional dinghy racer or just starting out, it's a good idea to brush up on the...

Topics Dinghy

5 Tips to Prepare For Your Dinghy Race

Dec 1, 2022
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. So, don’t capsize at the first corner, get properly prepare...

Topics Dinghy

dinghy racing events

What are the Best Dinghy Sailing Events in 2023?

Feb 15, 2022
Racing is back and in full swing this year! So we wanted to highlight some of the top events you nee...

Owner's Advice: Top Tips For Dinghy Maintenance

Apr 19, 2021
When it comes to maintenance for any boat, there’s a lot you need to be aware of, and depending on t...